I - Well
He begins his piece with the tag: "Dilige et quod vis fac. - St. Augustine." In a way this sums up his basic point about close questions of usage. Who, however, would realize that? The Latin is from the seventh of a series of homilies by this Patristic author on the First Letter of John in the New Testament. In Latin the name of this collection is In Epistolam Ioannis ad Parthos Tractatus Decem. Here is the section of this sermon containing this line:
Hoc diximus in similibus factis. In diversis factis, invenimus saevientem hominem factum de caritate; et blandum factum de iniquitate. Puerum caedit pater, et mango blanditur. Si duas res proponas, plagas et blandimenta; quis non eligat blandimenta, et fugiat plagas? Si personas attendas, caritas caedit, blanditur iniquitas. Videte quid commendamus, quia non discernuntur facta hominum, nisi de radice caritatis. Nam multa fieri possunt quae speciem habent bonam, et non procedunt de radice caritatis. Habent enim et spinae flores: quaedam vero videntur aspera, videntur truculenta; sed fiunt ad disciplinam dictante caritate. Semel ergo breve praeceptum tibi praecipitur: Dilige, et quod vis fac: sive taceas, dilectione taceas; sive clames, dilectione clames; sive emendes, dilectione emendes; sive parcas, dilectione parcas: radix sit intus dilectionis, non potest de ista radice nisi bonum existere.
You can find a translation at the New Advent website. It can scarcely be more conservative and traditional than to cite St. Augustine for anything these days, but of course, like most condensations of wisdom, there is undoubted truth in this nugget, even if, misunderstood, half-understood, or twisted by fanaticism, it could be advanced as justification for the worst sorts of wickedness.
Was Wallace familiar with the source - i.e., had he read Augustine in the original Latin - or was he aware of the quote from elsewhere - note that as a string in quotes the Latin sentence fetches some 227,000 hits on Google? Or is the more pertinent question really what sort of readership had Wallace in mind. Consider the other sprinkles of Latin in the essay:
- Not more than a couple pages later, we encounter the second Latin expression: "A Dictionary of Modern American Usage has no Editorial Staff or Distinguished Panel. Itʻs conceived, researched, and written ab ovo usque ad mala by Bryan Garner." (p. 42)
- On the same page he appends a footnote [he loves footnotes] to the use of a cardinal number in stating the age of an individual: "(7. Garner prescribes spelling out only numbers under ten. I was taught that this rule applies just to Business Writing and that in all other modes you spell out one through nineteen and start using cardinals at 20. De gustibus non est disputandum.)"
- Another shot of Latin is not injected until page 46, again in another footnote: "19 Standard Written English (SWE) is also sometimes called Standard English (SE) or Educated English, but the inditement-emphasis is the same. SEMI-INTERPOLATION Plus note that Garnerʻs Preface explicitly names ADMAUʻs intended audience as "writers and editors." And even ads for the dictionary in such organs as The New York Review of Books are built around the slogan "If you like to WRITE. . . Refer to us." (Yr. snoot rev. cannot help observing, w/r/t these ads. that the opening r in Refer here should not be capitalized after a dependent clause + ellipse -- Quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus.)"
- Not until page 51 do we encounter a little more Latin, this time the title of a book, again in a footnote: "33 (Q.v. for example Sir Thomas Smithʻs cortex-withering De Recta et Emendata Linguae Anglicae Scriptione Diologus of 1568.)" [note that unfortunately a spelling error has intruded - Diologus should of course be Dialogus - and note if youʻre interested you can get a reprint of the book from Amazon].
- The last bit of Latin appears at page 57: "Garner recognizes something that neither of the dogmatic camps appears to get: Given 40 years of the Usage Wars, "authority" is no longer something a lexicographer can just presume ex officio."
I pass over the fact that Wallace does not seem to have a solid grasp of the Latin abbreviation q.v. (quod vide). He uses it on three occasions. In each, as in footnote 33 page 51, he seems to really mean vide. At least he does not use cf. when he only wants to suggest that the reader look at something else.
II - Poorly
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